Horny devils! Play D&D as a fiendish Tiefling with our optimisation guide
What are Tieflings?
Tieflings have the heritage of Humans but at some point back in their lineage, had their bloodline mixed with those of a fiend (most commonly, a devil). This might have come from a pact made and a direct magical transformation, or it could be from direct relationships with a fiend. Either way, a Tiefling has the blood of both Humans and fiends flowing through their veins and inherits both sets of attributes.
Despite their semi-devilish origins, not all Tieflings are evil, though they do have evil influences flowing through them. This will usually influence their appearance, but may leave a mark on their personality too. Because of their origins, Tieflings are generally distrusted, no matter their personal inclinations.
Tieflings were introduced as a playable character in D&D 5e in the Player’s Handbook and have had various subspecies added into the mix from Mordenkeinen’s Tome of Foes giving you 9 subraces of Tiefling to choose from. This makes Tieflings one of the most adaptable and powerful races in D&D 5e. Read our guide to find out everything you need to know to play as one of these infernal characters.
Is a Tiefling the right race for me?
Dungeons and Dragons lets you take a flexible approach to building a character, but if you’re going to stick to typical culture and the best-optimised build for a Tiefling you might consider the following:
Choose a Tiefling if you like…
- Highly charismatic characters
- Dealing with spells
- Unnerving people with your fiendish origins
A Tiefling might not be for you if…
- You don’t want to play a party face
- Are uninterested in casting spells
- Badly want to avoid the stereotypes of a literally “horny” bard
- Would rather not have to deal with the stereotypes of being a fiendish race
If you think a Tiefling isn’t for you, not to worry, there are dozens of playable races for you to pick from, just check out our races guide to find out about all of them. For an alternative charismatic race, you could consider a Changeling or a Kenku.
Tiefling racial traits
Ability Scores | +2 Charisma and another increase from their bloodline |
Creature Type | Humanoid/Fiend |
Size | Medium |
Speed | 30ft |
Languages | Common and Infernal |
Traits | Darkvision, Hellish Resistance and a bloodline trait |
Resistances | Fire |
Proficiencies | No |
Darkvision | Yes |
Innate spellcasting | Various depending on your bloodline |
Book found in | Player’s Handbook, Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes |
If you want to play as a Tiefling, your character will have the following traits and abilities (as found in theSRD for D&D 5e):
Darkvision –Thanks to your infernal heritage, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Hellish Resistance –You have resistance to fire damage.
Tiefling Subraces
Not all Tieflings tie their lineage back to the same line of fiends. Devils associated with each of the Arcdevils of Hell have different attributes that differentiate themselves from other devils. This means that as Tieflings come from different lines of devils, they also gain different abilities.
When you play as a Tiefling, choose one of the following subraces or variants to show your lineage and the additional abilities and traits your character has.
Bloodline of Asmodeus
Asmodeus is the ruler of all of Hell and its Archdevils. He has a cunning and devious mind, ruling over the fiery realm of Nessus. Tiefling’s of Asmodeus’ bloodline inherit his keen mind and infernal magic.
Ability Score Increase –Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Infernal Legacy –You know theThaumaturgycantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast theHellish Rebukespell once as a 2nd-level spell. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast theDarknessspell once. You must finish a long rest to cast these spells again with this trait. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Bloodline of Baalzebul
A corrupted angel that transformed into a foul being, Baalzebul is a master of corruption. Tiefling’s of his bloodline gain the ability to corrupt others both physically and mentally.
Ability Score Increase –Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Legacy of Maladomini –You know theThaumaturgycantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast theRay of Sicknessspell once as a 2nd-level spell with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast cast theCrown of Madnessspell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Bloodline of Dispater
Dispater is a paranoid trader of secrets. He uses these secrets to manipulate others to his will and Tieflings born of his bloodline inherit some of these secretive abilities.
Ability Score Increase –Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Legacy of Dis –You know theThaumaturgycantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast theDisguise Selfspell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast theDetect Thoughtsspell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Bloodline of Fierna
Fierna has a fiery personality and is an expert at manipulating others to her will. Tieflings born of her bloodline inherit abilities that help them manipulate others.
Ability Score Increase –Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Legacy of Phlegethos –You know theFriendscantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast theCharm Personspell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast theSuggestionspell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Bloodline of Glasya
Glasya, delights in political intrigue and is a criminal mastermind, always plotting and scheming. Tieflings born of her bloodline inherit abilities that aid in operating subtly.
Ability Score Increase –Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Legacy of Malbolge –You know theMinor Illusioncantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast theDisguise Selfspell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast theInvisibilityspell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Bloodline of Levistus
Ruling over the frozen wastelands of Stygia, Levistus is a master bargainer who gains power through cold magic. Tieflings of his bloodline gain the ability to use his cold magic to their advantage.
Ability Score Increase –Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Legacy of Stygia –You know theRay of Frostcantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast theArmor of Agathysspell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast theDarknessspell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Bloodline of Mammon
Mammon is a greedy being that loves wealth and power above all else and he gathers it voraciously. Tieflings of Mammon’s bloodline gain abilities that aid them in acquiring and safeguarding wealth.
Ability Score Increase –Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Legacy of Minauros –You know theMage Handcantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast theTenser’s Floating Diskspell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a short or long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast theArcane Lockspell once with this trait, requiring no material component, and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Bloodline of Mephistopheles
A master of the arcane, Mephistopheles is an intellectual and cunning Archdevil. Tiefling’s born of his bloodline gain access to powerful magic.
Ability Score Increase –Your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Legacy of Cania –You know theMage Handcantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast theBurning Handsspell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast theFlame Bladespell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Bloodline of Zariel
Zariel is a commander of the armies of Hell and a powerful warrior in her own right. Tieflings of her bloodline are stronger than most Tieflings.
Ability Score Increase –Your Strength score increases by 1.
Legacy of Avernus –You know theThaumaturgycantrip. When you reach 3rd level, you can cast theSearing Smitespell as a 2nd-level spell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast theBranding Smitespell once with this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
Tiefling variants
On top of the subraces above, Tieflings also have some variants with traits that replace some of the traits above. With a few different versions of Tieflings, this can get a tad confusing, but originally, these traits were intended to be optional replacements for the bloodline of Asmodeus. Jeremy Crawford has confirmed that these traits can replace those of any of the bloodlines with your DM’s permission.
essentially you can choose to use the following traits in place of the standard subrace traits above, just keep in mind that devil’s tongue, hellfire and winged are mutually exclusive meaning you can take 1 of them but not the others.
Feral – Your Intelligence score increases by 1, and your Dexterity score increases by 2. This trait replaces the Ability Score Increase trait
Devil’s Tongue – You know theVicious Mockerycantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast theCharm Personspell once as a 2nd-level spell. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast theEnthrallspell once. You must finish a long rest to cast these spells again with this trait. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells. This trait replaces the Infernal Legacy trait
Hellfire –Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast theBurning Handsspell once as a 2nd-level spell. This trait replaces theHellish Rebukespell of the Infernal Legacy trait.
Winged – You have bat-like wings sprouting from your shoulders. You have a flying speed of 30 feet while you aren’t wearing heavy armor. This trait replaces the Infernal Legacy trait.
The handy thing about Tieflings is you have a lot of subrace options giving a fair bit of flexibility on the innate spells you can cast and the extra ability score increases you get. Generally these are themed after a particular function too soon you’ve got stealthy options, martial options and more classically Spellcaster options.
Gift of the gab: +2 to charisma is likely to make you a natural fit for the party face. If you’re taking a Tiefling, it’s easy to maximise on this by taking a charisma focused class (bard, paladin, sorcerer or warlock) and leaning heavily into this. Consider focusing your skills around face skills like persuasion, deception and intimidation (performance is fine, but tends to be less useful). Many Tiefling Subraces get boosts to intelligence making you better at things like insight too which is great for a party face.
Natural spellcasters: Tieflings also make natural spellcasters. Your innate spellcasting uses charisma (which you should be good at anyway) pushing you into those 4 charisma focused spellcasting classes. You obviously have some innate spells options too which can be recast if you take a spellcasting class. Essentially, you’ll be most effective as a spellcasting class.
A subrace for every occasion: But don’t let the above limit your options. Each subrace is geared towards a particular function and sure, a paladin may work better with the bloodline of Zariel for those extra smites, but a couple of smites a day still works nicely for a Fighter. The bloodline of Gladys is just screaming for you to play as a rogue with unlimited minor illusions, disguise self and invisibility (plus some extra dexterity) these things still work nicely to enhance a rogue without class based spellcasting. Of course, you could always take an arcane trickster or an eldritch knight to get those class based spellcasting options.
Winging it: Flight is hugely powerful and is not only a great way of getting places others can’t go, it’s also great for staying safe in battle. If you want to play a squishier class, consider going for a winged variant.
Which bloodline is best?
This depends a lot on what class you want to play as and what spells you want to use. If you’re playing a strength-based martial class, then the extra strength of the bloodline of Zariel is a great option, as are the smites she has available. If you want to play a rogue or another stealthy character, the bloodline of Gladys is a great option. The bloodline of Asmodeus is great for artificers and so on.
I’d tend to avoid the bloodlines of Mammon and Mephistopheles. Their spells tend to be of less use like flaming blade and Tenser’s floating disc. Thankfully, there are better options for intelligence based Tieflings.
But some classes do just work better with a Tiefling’s natural abilities, which brings us on to our next section…
Choosing a class for your Tiefling
Below I’ve put together a score for how well each class works with a Tiefling based on how well the ability score increases and racial traits work with each class. I’ve tried to take a broad view of all the available subraces so be aware that not every subrace will fit the ratings below, but I’ll give more explanation on which subraces to choose for different classes below:
Barbarian ⭐⭐
Bard ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Cleric ⭐⭐
Druid ⭐⭐
Fighter ⭐⭐⭐
Monk ⭐⭐⭐
Paladin ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Ranger ⭐⭐⭐
Rogue ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Sorcerer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Warlock ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Wizard ⭐⭐⭐
*Star ratings scored out of 5
Best classes for a Tiefling
Thankfully, because of all the subrace options, it’s easy to find a good class for a Tiefling. Your absolute best options are the charisma based classes as they can maximise on the spellcasting options and will be most effective at casting these spells. That means considering:
- Bard
- Paladin
- Sorcerer
- Warlock
Tieflings have a decent bit of resilience too with their fire resistance making them a good option for charisma based martials which is especially the case for paladins but also college of swords and Valor bards as well as hexblade warlocks.
You’ll want to pick a subrace to lean into your class’ strengths. A Zariel or Levistus Tiefling works well for a Paladin. Dispater and Glasya work nicely for a bard while warlocks and sorcerers more depend on the kinds of spells you want, though a dexterity or constitution boost is something worth considering over an intelligence increase.
A special mention should be made for rogues who can work well with a high charisma. Alternatively, a feral Tiefling variant with it’s dexterity and intelligence bonuses are ideal. Bloodline of Glasya or Dispater are your best options for spells. Alternatively, a winged variant works well too for those hard to reach places and keeping yourself safe.
On that note, a winged variant is great for backline Spellcasters like sorcerers and warlocks too.
Worst Tiefling classes
None of the class options are too bad for a Tiefling, but with so much innate spellcasting, barbarians tend to fare worst as they can’t cast spells and rage. Zariel is probably your best options here for the strength boost, but you’ll rarely get chance to cast your smites. You could also consider out of combat spells, in which case, a Glasya Tiefling is a good option and a dexterity boost is pretty good.
Monks, clerics and druids also gain less from Tieflings. Bloodline of Fierna may be your best bet for that wisdom increase. Glasya is a good option though for a stealth based monk, though +2 in charisma is a lot to waste on an unessential ability score for a monk.
About Tieflings
Tieflings appear mostly like Humans but have some very prominent features that give away their bloodline. They often have a pair of horns on their head, thick, long tails of about 4-5ft, canine teeth and eyes of a solid colour with no visible pupils. While their skin colour can adopt the usual range of Human colours, it can also be tinted red or purple. Tiefling hair is usually black, brown, dark red, blue or purple.
As much as they may try to avoid it, Tieflings are influenced by their infernal heritage. That’s not to say that all Tieflings are evil, they are as capable of being good as any other race, but they tend to have a sharp and witty tongue on them and derive attributes from the Archdevil their bloodline is associated with (read on for more details about the different bloodlines).
The main challenge for Tieflings is how they’re perceived by the world. People are generally distrustful towards them for their fiendish ancestory. This behaviour typically leads Tieflings towards the fringes of society, often leaving them in poverty in the Human cities they typically live in. Such a lifestyle often pushes Tieflings into a life of crime creating a harsh, self-fulfilling prophecy that can be difficult to escape.
Some Tieflings live outside of the cities in other communities with Tieflings or other races that are not often accepted in wider society. These Tieflings are generally treated much better than their city-dwelling peers.
How to roleplay as a Tiefling
While fiendish blood does not make you evil, it certainly will have an influence on who you are. Whether it genetically influences your personality or the reaction of others affects your worldview (or both), there’s no getting away from your heritage. You can use the following ideas when roleplaying a Tiefling:
- Fiendish cunning – Devils are innately cunning and while they tend to use that cunning to snare mortal souls, Tieflings can use that cunning in many other ways, whether they be nefarious or more benevolent.
- Bad reputation – Tieflings have a bad reputation. General society doesn’t trust them, expecting them to be as devious as their devilish parents. Chances are, this has affected you. Maybe it’s been hard to make trusted friendships, maybe you hide your true identity to avoid judgement or perhaps you’ve simply become cynical.
- A way with words – Most Tieflings have silver-tongues, capable of convincing even the biggest sceptic. Be convincing, persuasive and use your words to get into and out of all kinds of sticky situations.