The Robesonian from Lumberton, North Carolina (2024)

PAGIiTWO THE ROBESONiAN, LUMBERTON, N. Farm Bureau Older Men fill Was Prominent Be Inducted In Convention February 1 Sliaxv Presented Problems- of C. Farmers Washington. A' -Service "much hir- proportion of older men! be inducted after February 1. has.

sent implement- internment's. "produce or jvfiss" Ann Betts. who is member of the faculty of Spriftg- rv in Laurel Hill, spent week-end here with i not her. Mrs. ,1.

A. Belts. i K. o. Goodyear and Mrs, i days in Greensboro-and Raleigh.

i be accompanied back by Miss Doris Gt odycar. student ai WCUMC. i i spend the holidays here, mj I tJit-rn tip -of Luxembourg border. Wllf 111 OttCl In Alsace plain German counter- By the Associated Press Pacific Superfortresses again 5 01 Hungarian capital, direct artillery fire into city and Red army areas, pushes Slovak border at point General Eisenhower's headquar- 72 miles northeast Budapest. a rolled over three i Columar and Selestat Pacific Superfortresses agan jid Allied command movins bomb Nagoya, Japanese deal i counteroffensive." BIRTHDAY DINNER he bi lanes city where .10.0 of the big planes Pembroke, R.

1-- A large crowd Jacobs 'and daughter, 'Mr. and Mrs. -R. Mr. and Mrs.

James H- Locklear, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Locklear and children, Mr. and'Mrs. Rudy Lowery and dren, and Mrs.

Lee Alfred Locklear. Mrs. Ronie Lee Hun; Rosa JLee Lock- Cdiifoinia" moimtains with an more than that registrants in Chicago. Havin its tb more than 000 from -a low in the na- Jt. ordered ion of only about 2.200 in four the 26 Through 37 age the North Carolina Farm whose job shifts are not in the Bureau received the greatest con- best interests of the war eilort side-ration the state lias ever re- i shbulVT be -put in I- A and placed in the American Farm Bu- near the top of the list for mduc- reau Federation which jtion.

is just closing here. Draft boards were directed mat Presented -X. C. Problems i when these registrants. are put is-, FHke Shaw.

Grensboro. Exe- 1-A leaving essential of -the State they should be made available lor iix. T). M. McDairmid aivi and John McLeod.

of American planes. hit an airplane factory five daysi jjazi-centers in fellow up gathered at tlie son, Mr. and ago. B29's -also raid Hankow' blow Munich Ulm Locklear on Dec'. to celebrate nie Locklear.

Shelby. China. Americans make sharp Duisbu i ht. his 50th birthday. Mr.

Locklear Alvin, John Harhe W. and gains on TVTindoro' in Philippines, 1 was "visiting" "his Murphy 'Locklear, -Jesse with Japanese newspaper Asani doughboy victory jL i H-J A A A SOUTHERN FRONT Rein: who was- very ill. John A. Lock- I Spauldingy Mrs. Maggie Brooks, cd iti troops begin full- Iear took him home, and upon his Misses Lizzie Jane, Lizzie Bell, Lsre would give Americans con- arrival he round the crowd wait- Sailie, -Willie Mae, A1 tr in Ualyt eighty i to sing ui v.

i i 1 i r-' nsi A fl i A I At" McLeod. Allenton. high school glee song Christmas mtmbor? at Kast Lu'mberton "Bap-" list, church Sunday morning following the period. Mrs. Margaret Simpson is director, and Mrs.

F.velyn Nesmith is pianist for the group. io iho ontire convention in a'dis- meeting''-'Wednesday after Lt. and Mrs. id D. King pkm t.o leave for Stales- boro.

(or a visit 'Mrs. King's parents after being in Luniberion a week, with his par- 'ems. Dr. and Mrs. D.

D. King. is stationed at Welsh Con- for a visit. gain several miles along eighty mile front from Monschau, Belgium, area to sou- ir mv troops mopped up There was a large Adrine Carter. Oed with good eats, and Rev.

i Jacobs returned i Locklear received many nice gifts: i The Romans cultivated EASTERN FRONT. "Russians, Those present were L. inunibers of farm For Reati Two or 3-horse farm with od tobacco JT.ootf hariis. isfood buildings, socd farm land. Plenty of land for all crops.

SCK W. W. SNOW LUMBERTON, N. C. Fann the pro-'service "in the same mnnner as Lt an(1 Mrs.

D. btera? of North Carolina farmer; registrants who leave as-ric-ul- c'ompli-iinsr Visit llea 1 This would make them avail- ocn and his statement of these; able immediately after volunteers lookshapejn resolutions -and "delinquent?" those looking toward a so- violate draft regulations. 'union- He discussed: Left to Local boards cotton surplus at Ja leuving-to-local boaros deter- t-mi war the "danger minaiion as to which changes i osccm hospital in Dayiona jne'fieW'oTsymhettcs; the- loss in a i in-prosecution of the war. the Be; ch FUl xv here he will report and "prices likely to a'- agency made it clear'that in some for on c. 26 and where his Ton'Uhe reduced demand "for pea-: cases a.

switch may be approved Miss A ice Catherine mi- products 'when the war is. even though 'consent of the board the pointed -need 1 for -contin-! was not obtained prior-to a move. i-cd dnined tobacco acreage; and It trmt men. who the low per capita in- changed jobs before'Oecember I- Homc oi "the Carolina excluded from the 'vision for clearance through i The importani of the boards. summarized The memorandum isisivuc'tt-d which will S.Q to Unit- boards to "g'ive greater defermtNii cd States with the conjidcration' registrants 2G of wholesome -Through 37 who are engagcfl in 'relaiW production or in support, of nnd 'agricultural products.

thewar effort, than those engaged raiinna! convention, has activiiies no: -supporting im- of the most largely mediaie prosecution of the wr.r." i in the. history Implememing- a directive oi tiie of federation. the.Office of War Mobilization -and the North Carolina worn- ihe revised have been thoroughly active. tiOTis provided that -i-egistrara 'hoth with respect to the who are i war clone- and mus! -stay on or run the risk r.r Tin-- women's nctivjiies' their occupational dei'vr- culniitiivcd Wednesday ment i wetx: tendered a luu- The memorandum said t-heon 'iv the men of the state. of.lesser skills in plnr.b.

MT'S Everett, of plants "may be found more hn- presideat of the Associated Worn-: ponant 10 the war a en of the North Carolina Farm those of greater skills in other Bureau, presided. Among those: activities not in direct support were Mrs. Mayor. Par- the war. effort, ker, the state secretary Mrs.

Her- Replacements eedctl Taan Baker, president of the While the primary aim oi county Women; Mrs. OWMR Director James F. Byrnes" Vv. women's director of directive of last-'week-end is southeastern division: Mrs. i curb labor turnover in critical wur fHobert co*ker, wife of presi- programs, Selective Service point- dent of the South Farm'.

ed up need for replacements' Giles, of. Ala- for the Armed Services, bama: Mrs. Harrj- -L. Wmgato, "Estimates of available men in- vrife of the southeastern i dicate that -the Armed Mrs. W.

C. president of calls after February 1 cannot be the Kentucky Associated Women; i filled substantially from men. aged and -Miss Mary of the Lou- 18 through -25. The larger num- departmem. ber of American divisions now Meanwhile, Mrs.

Trby AVaLker, actually engaged in combnt. the, 1 sfecretary-treasuj'er of 'the North continuing pressure against the Carolina Farm. Bureau. Joe Wil- -enemy has increased the require- liams, assistant secretary, and -merit's for physically fit soldier? Will Rogers, director of organiza- and sailors. Tion.

were hosts at a tea Tuesday: -'For these reasons, it be afternoon, followed by dinner and necessary to induct increasing dancing at the college inn, Hotel numbers of men from the where Tommy Dorsey' a ge groups." and his orchestra hold Occupationally deferred regis- Among those attending were ex- trants who leave essential jobs tension service workers. AAA will be put in 1-A unless: Stat-e of. i Their local board rules a Agriculture vocational change "is in the best interest of Knsigrn R. C. McLeod Leave Ensisn Robert G.

U. is spending leave here mother. Mrs. Alf H. McLccd.

F-nsign McLeod u'o to following A A See Knox Kinlaw MY FORMER FRIENDS: I an no longer connected the firm of Kin'i: McPherson loc-Pied at the lot on Chestnut 3rd. but will appreciate your continued patronage at my new business address. '40 Studetaker Sedan Radk--Heater. '35 Chevrolet Coach Radio Heater. and their wives or husbands.

the war effort. 1 (2) The local board finds that The state got nation-wide no- there were adequate reasons in- ttce when Joe Williams announc- volving the registrant or im- ed. in the NBC breakfast party mediate family which i i broadcast that the more than 100 switching jobs. North arolinians were listening to the'program in the studio. The By 1941.

Liberia was producing delegation was scheduled to four times the amount of rubber back in Wmston-Salem, Greens- it produced in 1936. boro and Raleigh Friday night. PJC Holiday Plans Glee Club Program Max holidays Presbyterian Junior college Saturday, Dec. .16, and will extend until Jan. 3.

Some of the students left -last Friday. The Community Glee club presented "Gold of the Wise a program of song and story, to patients at the Laurinburg-Maxton AAB hospital last Tuesday night. The same program had. been given earlier ct the college chape! and was enjoyed by Maxton music Mrs. R.

D. Croom was director and Mrs. R. Williams, pianist Others taking part on the program "Mmes. H.

Hasty. Denvood Smith, F. C. Frostick, H. A.

McLeod, L. C. La- Motie, 'Lt. and Mrs. Warren Smith.

P-O and Mrs. .0. T. Walker. Misses Juamta George, Helen Ann McKinnon, Mary MeKinndri, Mary McQueen.

Sarah and H. T). Groom, Bernice Cole, "Bob Sellers, Kenneth Strayhorn and Virgil Chaver. "38 I'ontiac 8-Cyl. 2-Door Sedan.

Radio Heater Trunk. '440 7I8 ALL THC ABOVE CARS AV A A Knox Kinlaw lies. TMionc: 967-AV --OR-Grower's Supply Co. ELJZABETHTOWN ROAD If you wish to Sell Your Car-I WILL BUY IT! Calling All Cars For 80-20 Collision--Select Rislc Only HERE IT WORKS FOU YOU 5 5 Damage--Farm Bureau Pays 4--You Pay 1 50 Damage--Farm Bureau Pays 40--You Pay S10 $250 Bureau Pays S200--You Pay $50 $600 Damage--Farm Bureau Pays $550--You Pay S50 J. Empie Wishart Office Robfson FCX, Lumbcrton.

Phone Representing-- FAKIM Bl'nKAl! IVIIJTI AI, INSITRANCE CO. Home. Ot'i'irc--Columbus, Ohio Poker is really Persian, with adaptations' from French. English and Italian games. CA1H OF THANKS We wish this express our genuine appreciation and Viearrfelt'thanks to all who ren- derefl kindness or sympathy, and "for the many flowers durinfrour recent bereavement.

fc Ar D-18-p Bored Out Repaired--Special Process! Also A Limited Number Of New Cores In Stock Now! Shop Expert Man CALL ON US I'D! Zeke Slanlon Parts 'HIGHWAY 74 FAST coo- A I I A One Insertion Insertions vdditlonal Insertlonii vlaximnm number of words ID ad--25. me ceni charge for each mddl- tlonal word, per insertion. Walnut street. Return to Mrs. Stephen Mclntyre.

and receive reward. D-18-c i salt 1 One electric clock nt' Rooscvolt and one battery set Stewart Warner ra- dio new battery- Bcnton's Piano Furniture Store, phono Iviiniherton, N. C. of fine, beautiful pianos includ- ing Chick'cring, ter ond other h.ifjh grade pianos. TERMS.

A guaranteed j- to be in perfect playing condi- lion. The Lumberton Music j- Slorc, corner 4th and CheslmU street, phone 408, Lumberton Errors In advertisem*nt should tot reported immediately. Tht- Kobesonian will not be held responsible for more than one' m- Wan tei: Au peopi sufrerlh? from Notice: We prepared to do first cla- radiator repairing, Lumberton -Auto Service, phono Lumberton. N. C.

D-14-15-18-ci For to fa.i-mers: Flectric I water.pumps, ready for immediate delivery. Welsh Lurnberlnn N. M-31-ei-tfn-c correct insertion. Advertisem*nts will be published according to desired schedule without extra charge. Classified Arts Are CASH-Money Must Accomi'iany Ordftrs wish to tnscnt a classified ad.

CAM, TEtFPHONE For sale: Guaranteed pianos UuU will make your chilcTren happy at Christmas. $149.50 and up. Benton's Piano Furniture store phone 376. Lumberton, D-14-15-18-P kidney trouble or backache to try KIDDO, 97c Money guarantee. Hedgpeth Pharmacy, Lumberton: Fairmont Drug Fairmont; How- land "Drug Company.

Rowland. M-G-MWF-thru- D-13-p i AUenUou Children: Bring- all dean, used bags to Redmond's Fruit Store, Lurnberion, in exchange for frui.ts or cash. Lost: 150 galloas of kerosene stamps. Finder please return to A. C.

Bridgman, route 1, Lumberton. N. C. D-15-18-19-P Wanted: part-time Salesladies for full and i rk Apply at Tenant for 1-horse lann. Rose's 5-10-25-c berton.

N. C. Store, Lum- D-15-18-P See Roland Lamb at Lumberton Furniture store. D-15-tfn-c Gifts: You'll find suitable Christ- gifts for every'person on your list at our store. G.

L. Canady. Jeweler. Lumberton, tf D-11-ei-tfn-c TME1IO- ANTIFR1EIE $L40 Gal. VHONE 853 LUMBERTON.

N. C. TRY A I A Grill Fountairt CHESTS br ST. V. V.

(Pete) ThoHipson, Owner sale: Frostproof Early Jersey cabbage plants. $2.50 per thousand. E. K. Campbell, Parkton.

N. C. 1-15-13-2-2-p Wanted to buy: Four, i've or six room brick, in the Town of Ltimbcrton or in the suburban area. Can pay cash. Write "P.CX Box 280.

Fairmont, N. C. Wanted to buy: Hens, fryers and eggs. 'John Hammonds, West End Market on, 4th street, Lumberton, N. C.

D-4-7-H-14-18-21-c For sale: One pre-war wicker doll carriage, medium size. Call Aldena Newbury 866-W, a night. Lumbertbn. N. C.

D-18-19-20-P Lost: Spare tire wheel Ford pickup truck between Long Branch and "Wishart farm I on Fairmont road. Reward t'oi return to W. 'Lewis. rnont, N. C.

D-18-19-20-P Wanted: A one horse wagon in i fair condition. Write, stating price, or sec J. J. Scott at Bul! lard Motor Company, Lumber- 1 i ion. N.

C. 0-13-20-22-c Wanted: Ucjfular and part-time High school girls.may. apply. Apply to McLellan's l()-25c Store. Lumberton, N.

C. D-B-ei-tfn-c i For sale: Come by and let us get up -your plant bed 'fertilizer as well as your other fertilizer and soda. Buy and have it delivered later. Standard Fcrti- Company. G.

E. W. H. Crofton. telephone Lumberton, N.

C. D-8-ei-tfn-c For sale: Horses and mulris, guaranteed to work, prices 10 i suit. Come look them over. Standard Fertilizer Warehouse-, i across from Coca-Cola plant. i G.

B- W. H. Crofton. tc-lc- i phone Lumbc-rton, M. C.

For sale: Grade JTt Tires are now ration free, no certificate neetled. We havc practically all sixes at O.P.A. ceiling prices. Lumberton Metal Company, phono 759 East 1 7 street. Lumberton, N.

C. D-l2-thru-D-28-c Help WANTED! help Avanted in cotton yarn mill for cards, slubbers, doffing', spooling, twisting and winding- 48 HOUR WEEK! GOOD PAY WHITEHEAD Company Maxton, N. C. Special Notice: Re-i i i suite, i new. Chrtirs, i i couches.

Expert Mrs. L. Grice, Chippewa street, behind Bill 'HindS' Tocery, Lumbcrton, N. D-12-13-14-15-1R-P We have some tobacco for immediate delivery that has 300 pounds of cotton seed meal ton. Lumberton Trading' Company, Lumberton N.

D-18-c Found: hogs, a brood sow; and a shoat. took up at, my home. Owner may have by paying for damage and this ad. J. H.

route 5, Luni- berton, N. C. D-14-16-J8-P Help win the war: Have your stove rebuilt i parts at your home by an expert. B'iy bonds with the money you save. Write A.

E. Fisher, route 4. Lumberton. N. C.

D-18-19-20-21-22-p Mules: We have a grood stock of fine Missouri mules, 3 to 5 years old, singles and pairs. See-this stock before you buy or trade. Lumberton Trading Company. Lumberton. N.

C. D-K5-20-22-27-29-J-1-C Live-At-Home Oilers For Sale Kedlicart Wheat bit. Fulgrain fhits hu. Cerliried Sunrise I'Jarlcy Irdcll Barley Abruxxi Kyc bit. $2:75 bu.

See Us For All Your Seed Needs! Roy A. Goodwin FEED STORE Phone 38 Lumberton, N. C. Wa-nletT: Housekeeper for Tami- i ly of 3, youngest child 13 years! old. Light work.

Will pay good salary for right person. CalM 510 i day, and 709-W after 7 p. ur write Box 1100. Lumbcrton, I N. C.

Wanted: Job as overseer of farm. furnish best of references. H. C. "Roberts, route 5.

Lumberton. N. C. D-18-19-20-21-22-P Wanted: One 4-room unfarnish- ed apartment or a one-family unfurnished house. Phone 680, Lumberton, N.

C. A USED A Lumberton, N. C. For rent: 6111? farm with aerrs 'tobacco plenty I' hind for olhc-i- rrups. See Mrs.

Frank Lornli, section, route 3, Lumberton. N. C. -0-ci-ffn-c For rent: Small, furnished, frame bouse. Convenient location.

Phone 42, Lumberton, N. C. D-15-18-C For sale: One heavy duty 2-horse wagon with sleeve bearings and hub. A-l condition. Sec I.

L. Anderson. Fair 'D-15-13-P Found: Several JIOKS. Owner may have hogs by paying for this ad and damage. Sec W.

W. Snow at Snow's, Lumberton, N. C. For sale: One 1939 Plymouth. 1- door sedan good condition, gQocl tiix-s.

Price. $500. See J. C. Henderson.

Rowland, N. C. IHantonds: We-can't think of a finer Christmas for' your 'wife or sweetheart. diinnorids please Her, our prices will pleflse.yoii. G.

JL. Found: 'Small nockctliook on Koveinber 17ih, no name, a small nmount of money. Own- may have by describing paying I'or i ud. See.DriUgJ-i- try FJell, route 1, Rowland. $25.00 War Bond issued to George Sutton in the basem*nt of the courthouse or The National Bank of Lumberton.

Reward of 2.00 if returned to The Robesonian office, N. C. D-18-19-20-21-22-P Vf you want quick cash for your used furniture, call 114-J. i We will buy any furniture yoj havje. for sale.

Furniture Ex, opposite Liberty Ware- 1st Liimlicftbn, N. 1 Ha FRUIT! We will Rive. a. bag: of fruit FREE to tin- first 250 custom- ers who" spinel Sl.OO or more each in our Saturday, IVccmbcr 22nd. We have, a complete line of used clothing for the entire family! anil Children's Coals, Army Army Field Jackets.

Etc. LUMBERTON Bargain Store NEXT TO THE HOBESCVIAN OFFICE, greatest color muiical of carefree days and romantic nights in gay New Orleans! fiing'i troubadour. Dotty the girl whose lips inspired WEDNESDAY THURSDAY.

The Robesonian from Lumberton, North Carolina (2024)
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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.