The Item from Sumter, South Carolina (2024)

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PAGE SIX April Real Estate Transfers Listed Chaplains Needed Still Army Says Epworth Orphanage Tarakan Airdrome Plans Expansion Taken By Aussies Churches Back Move Nips Take To Hills Man-Arrested Here For Alleged Sale Of Lottery Tickets News Of Out Men Women In the Service Fairfax Man Becomes Own Beneficiary In Insurance Policies There was a faint trace of a smile on the distinguished-looking face of Puptain John Jenny 9(5- Col Bill Thompson Back From Overseas Lt Colonel A (Bill) Thompson has returned to the United States from overseas duty and is visiting his family here until June when he will '-report- to Harvard Army Air Base in Nebraska Colonel Thompson was based in Italy with the 15th Air Force and was overseas 15 months '-llliObi! Epworth 1 and live -ted on the seenie-1 Tl -Australian were putting 0-foot air- shape ns potent Tire Japanese '--land off Borneo rthward into moun--ivbidihg a show- KENNETH 1 KETITLN1NG T-5 Ke ex peeled on prior to Alcolu the Pat-months Mrs SC NC Will Have Separate Army Recruitment Soon tliodsr made their ditring this fie buildings at -Manila Air f-'orc-e i drome into fighter base on t-h'e ii" tie withdrew Hi tain positions down battle 'aptrrru of tire' field was nouriced today by Gen Douglas MacArthuf vh- said the Australians also' had seized the center of Tarakan -City Mac-N rthiir sa id the Australians aided by Dutch East Indies troops had to use" tanks demolitionlsfs and kimethrowers to reduce a maze of pillblixes and interlocking tuniiol strOngpoints op Tarakan hill in the heatt of the city LIONS TO HEAR CREECH beech former mayor of will b( the guest speaker u-t the Linns club on Tuesday May 8th Air Creech will talk on- the LOUIE CARLYLE HINSON AT GUI KPORT MISS Louie Carlyle Hinson currently is assigned to duly at the United States Naval Training ('enter Gulfport Mississippi His Navy rate is that of fireman second class: He has been in the Navy since October 1944 He is the-son of Mr 'and Mrs William Albert Hinson Route 2 Sumter With State Officers Pratt and McKinnon Mr Dollard arrested two m4n in Berkeley county Friday for selling whiskey seven white men in Orangeburg county Friday for gambling and 13 in Berkeley county yesterday for gambling These- three officers with Sheriff Carl Thomas and Deputy Sheriff Strickland of Lee county apprehended two white men and two colored in Lee county Saturday for celling corn liquor The officers confiscated 13 jars of whiskey in the arrest Two were also arrested in Lee county for driving drunk and one for drunk" and disorderly Walter Harrington Dies In Mayesville Walter Harrington 7 4 died Saturday night at the home of daughter Mrs Eddie Boykin in Mayesville Funeral services-were held Sunday afternoon from thje graveside in Wells cemetery neajiy He is survived by pip son Harrington KingstreS one brother John Harrington Conway and nine grandchildren before x-the schools to $2 009000 0 purpose It was stated then approximately $40000000 be needed to complete the Transfers of property during April amounting to over $500 value as listed in the qffice of the county auditor are as follows: Concord township Brogden Jones seller to Howard Jones purchaser S3 acres for $2000 Francis Moise seller- to Crescent Panel Co purchaser timber deed for $1850 Sydney Sanders trustee seller to Henry Wells purchaser 60 acres for $900 Solomon Muldrow seller to Norman I1 Muldrow purchaser 1037 acres- and 2 buildings for $1300 Interest conveyed Alonzo Muldrow seller to Norman Muldrow purchaser 1037 acres and 2 buildings for $1000 interest conveyed Thomas Muldrow seller to Norman Muldrow purchaser 1037 acres and 2 900 interest conveyed Mayesville township Me-Fadden seller 'to Mary Jane Tin-dle purchaser 1 lot and 1 house for $700 Middleton township Kate II Weinberg seller to John Harvin and Fannie Mack purchasers 307 acres for Privateer township Mack Jackson seller to Amber Jackson purchaser 50 acres and 2 buildings for $1000 Providence Edmunds and A Laird' sellers to King Veneer Co purchaser timber deed for $1000 Pearl Strauss seller to Hugh Col- Clough purchaser timber deed for $1500 Shiloh township Fulwood seller to Shipman purchaser timber deed for $lgoO Sumter township Mayble Tt Williams seller to Vasfttie Singleton purchaser 1 lot- and 1 house for $1600 and A Moses trustees sellers to A Ardis purchaser 125 acres for $1250 Dunn and Levy sellers to Alice Cbisrii purchaser 1 lot and 1 house for $1200 Edna Huggins --seller to A Hatfield purchaser 1 lot and 1 house for $2965 Forfeited Land Commission seller to Walker purchaser 50 acres for $1- bS that so many so interested in program' chairman and is composed of Jones and entire program A Mother's Day offering' with a minimum goal of 1-6 01)0 0 n-0 was authorized for the Building Fund All Methbjlist churches and church AT Lomax throughout the state have made Joiner plans for a liberal Mother's Day and it is ex that the goal will be' ex- IABill people are Morrow is the c-oriimittee Lomax definite ing on pec ted REL1EV Durham May ((P) The Charlotte Army Recruting District composed of the two Carolinas will be split into two state districts on or soon after May 15 Capt A Turner announced yesterday Capt Turner commanding officer of the Durham Army Recruti-ing Station has been named officer in charge of the new Recruiting District South district headquarters will be in Columbia with Capt William Wilson as commanding officer Lt Col William A Schilletter former head fit the Carolinas district has been assigned to Ft McPherson Ga Durham Charlotte arid Asheville will have army recruiting substations each staffed with two officers and five or six enlisted men and Wacs Officers in charge will be: Lt Louis McCormicfcat Dur ham Lt Margaret Pegram at Asheville and Lt Roger Sapp at Charlotte Army recruiting stations will close in Wilson Greensboro Wilmington and Winston-Salem and in Greenville Spartaburg and Florence ceeded to give the widest to Chaplain nent" Chaplain said in Atlanta to emphasize the even Southeastern stiies where my own chaplaincy extends are faced with a similar crisis in which spiritual guidance for our sol-die i-s is clearly inadequate at the present Stating that 120 additional chaplains are urgenly needed in this? service command and that they must be supplied by the first of July Chaplain Rogers continued to quote his overseas colleague with whose statement he said he was in complete agreement minimizing the urgency of keeping every available man at the lathe or Chaplain Rogers was quoted as saying feel that nothing transcends the importance of furnishing -sufficient ministers immediately to offer counsel and comfort to out fighters during the ordeal through which they are now Chaplain Ralph Rogers who is a full colonel in the Army of the United States said that he or his office at 501 Old Post Office Building Atlanta would Ve available at any time to furnish additional information on this matter its urgency were fully lie said in con- elusion am certain that we would be able to complete our requirements in record time After 1 all it is the boys in uniform who I are making this appeal not I They are the ones who must and will be HEHEEEailETmi OmiNEl WHITE PETROLEUM JELLY JMll SEAMAN DOLLARD AT NORFOLK TRAINING STATION William Adrian Dullard 17 seaman stfcohd class USNIt arrived at the Naval Training Station Norfolk Va April 7 for training for duties aboard a new destroyer of the Atlantic fleet He completed recruit training Bainbridge Mil Dollard is the son of Mr and Mrs William Dollard of Sumter Before enlisting he attended Sumter High school BROTHER AND SISTER SERVING OVERSEAS Pvt Wiliam Edward Pratt Is now stationed in Germany after seeing action in Africa Italy and France He has been overseas about two years Pratt recently arrived in India with the American Red Cross according to a message received from the war department 18 Week-End Arrests Reported In City addition to this -general offering many- of out- larger churches have a thorough canvass of their membership for large gifts In this way a very substantial sunt is expected to be realized- over arid above the regular Day -offering First church Laurens under the leadership of Air Douglas 'Gr'ayifl has already completed its canvass: securing a total of $1 6000 (M) with which to erect a one of the buildings called for jti tin-plans for cxpjinsi-m tVthcr congregations cep ted a del peer to AiS-f the required funds in Day I i 1 Which the work of improvement end expansion is completed Ep-TJTth Orphanage will have not only a very attractive campus but also a plant which will render a larger service to its children ATTAIN JENNY year-old resident of Fairfax wherr'he was handed a check for $200017 from the Mutual Life insurance Company of New York He undoubtedly was thinking what a curious feeling it was to become his-own beneficiary on two life insurance policies The check was presented to him by Hendley manager of the' Columbia Agency in payment of the Jproceeds of the two policies because he has exceeded the life'sjjan covered by insurance mortality tables The table on which premiums are based runs only to age 96 Although he lived to become his own beneficiary Captain Jenny announced that the beneficiary named in each policy will eventually get the money adding that he indeed happy to be in such a position to do The beneficiaries are his daughter Mrs Kathryn Jenny Livingston and his two-year old grandson Miles Load holt Born on March 18 1849 in Barnwell county (now Allendale county) Captain Jenny is recognized as a leading citizen of fax who has contributed much to the civic progress of his community His family is representative of the early settlers Near his ribme in the area on which the battle of Rivers Bridge was fought during the War Between the States He is a member of the Rivers Bridge ivxemuriai Association and has contributed land on which a memorial park was created The original breastworks used in the battle of 19 Go may be seen The Rivers Bridge Memorial Association will soon celebrate its 69th anniversary Captain Jenny has missed only one of the CLOTHES COST MONEY These Days Have Tlfcm MOTH PROOFED CASH AND CARRY i -1 and delivery SERVICE er 1 lot 'afid 1 house for $5500 Loring Lee seller to Laura Flayer co*ker purchaser 1 lot and 1 house for $190:0 A and Frances A Broadway! sellers to Boyle purchaser 1 lot arid 1 house for $2605:83 etc Mildred Little seller to It Moody purchaser' 1 lot and 1 house for $7500 Pi Moses Housing Co seller to Miller Williams purchaser 1 lot and 1 house for $70238 etc Raymon Schwartz seller to Kate Weinberg purchaser 1 lot and house for 500 Anna Shaw seller to Cynthia Williams purchaser 1 lot and' 1 house for $550 Parker et al seller to Sanders e1' al trustees 1 lot arid 1 house for $3-750 Singleton seller to Smith 2 lots and 1 house for $900 McDonald Jr seller to Sons and Daughters of Job 1 lot and 1 house for $1900 Carl triopeland seller to Boyle purchaser 1 lot for $600 Itly Wilson seller to Fort purt-chaser 2 lots for $900 Cuttinp and Graham sellers to Mary Newman purchaser 1 lot fob $850 Roddey trustee selleif to Wade and Anna II Leary 1 lot and 1 house for $600 etpj Janeth Nelson seller to Gable and Reid Inc purchaser 1 lot and 1 house for BASS CLEANERS Trinity Methodist church of Sumter has announced its canvass plans 35 Liberty Phone "1S1 Eighteen Week-end arrests took place in the city- Chief Kir yen reported this morn in irig the list of offenses was derly conduct for which five fier-sons were apprehenduffl Two- 'per-j sons were not orjlyVdisfjrderly puj- drunk as well Thrc- 'people were just drunk For the use of profanity arid obscene language one offender was sentenced to $50 or 30 days in court today by Judge Purdy There was one arrest for selling lottei-y tickets one lor vagrancy one for no driver's license one for having in possession Whiskey for illegal purposes one for committing nuisance one for a traffic violation plus having no license and one for a traffic violation 33499 Margaret Chandler nny "seller to Camel la DuBose 116 acres for $6250 A and Lillian Johnson sellers to Glenn Douglas purchasers 84 acres for $3500 Charles White trustees seller to A Reeser purchaser 3 lots for $4250 Sumter- Parker et al seller to Dr Hanna Kris-tianson purchaser 1 lot and 1 house for $8Q00 Joel Hodge seller to James Perry purchaser 1 lot and 1 bouse for $1100 Dorothy Kirshnerrseller to and Ruby Lawson purchas- er 1 lot and 1 house for $6000 Cooper seller to Aphrodite Karvelas purchaser 1 lot and 1 house for $5500 Abram Brody seller to Mary Keith purchas after business affairs and make frequent visits to Columbia and other points in the state He was known to drive an automobile when he as 90 years old A member of Buford Lodge No 27 of Masoa at Fairfax he was raised to a master Mason on May 4 1872 and is the oldest member of that order in South Carolina He is said to be among the ten oldest in the United States He received high recognition by officers of Carolina Grand Lodge on May 4 1944 his lodge holding a special meeting at his home The meeting was attended by Grand Master Henry Collins and Grand Secretary Frank Hart BRITISH CHASE JAPS TOWARD MOULMEIN Calcutta May 5 British troops after clearing Pegu are pursuing fleeing Japanese forces eastward toward Moulmein port city across the Gulf of Martaban from captured Rangoon a Southeast Asia Command communique announced today The enemy was presumably retreating along the rail line that RELIEVES HEADACHES of Rangoon to Aloulmein and soothes Nerves upset by HEADACHE andNEURALGiA American Superhuman Effort Muscled Our Fighters The prescription-type ingredients in the formula are readily assimilated why offers extra-fast relief from headaches neuralgia muscular aches and functional periodic pains Nerves ruffled and upset by minor pains are also gently soothed by the quick-acting ingredients' Keep a 10c or 25c package handy-Use only as directed Consult a physician when pains persist FOR YOU TO DO You till us when you can come to 'the office- Then we can tshow- you what Chiropractic can do for you Point by point we can check your Health condition Your heart will show you just what you are If irregularities exist Chiropractic will tell you just What is to be done! Man and Woman SHIPPING U-BOAT WARFARE DR I MERCER FIRST M-3 TANKS ROLL OFF PRODUCTION LINES Axis U-boat warfare was taking an alarrning toll in Allied ships WOMEN FILL WAR JOBS LEND-LEASE AIDS ALLIES This terrific expansion in conjunction with the draft used up all CHIROPRACTOR Phone 1576 317 Main Street the manpower Millions of American women went into YANKS TRAIN FOR WAR WITH WOODEN GUNS The speed with which industry armed America for war will go down in history as one of the economic phenomena Up to Pearl Harbor production was a record but only about one-fiftieth of it was for national defense and 7 or 8 million persons were unemployed armed services were- training with makeshift wooden guns and make-believe tanks Conversion to war production presented gigantic problems of directing the manpower matferials into the most expedient channels as soon as possfiile Involved in a global war encompassing 56000-jniles of supply lines transportation facilities were grossly inadequate and fields and factories but the demand was greater than the supply Various schemes such as the Coast were set up and the strove to weave the tangled manpower threads into an effective production pattern Added to war needs were Lend-Lease orders which vvent from less than one billion dollars worth in 1941 to almost five billions in 1942 and were to reach 13 billions in 1943 American-made planes tanks and guns were soon to be found on every Allied battlefront Amazing results shown in Improving the LOOKS boosting and lives Beaches were black with oil from sunken tankers During the initial or and stages of the war program the nation devoted almost as much effort to the construction of facilities as it did to the production of arms and munitions of war Finally ready to swing into full production in late 1942 war machine hit a new obstacle in shortage of manpower and materials The great new plants quickly ran the stockpiles down into shortages and new plants and machinery had to be built to meet these shortages VITALITY! I the flow of VITAL digestive juices in the stomach -Energize your body with RICH BLOODl BY 1941 HAS WORLD MIGHTIEST NAVY WAR PLANTS SWING INTO ALL-OUT PRODUCTION GETTING VALUE out of the food you eat is YOUR No 1 HEALTH PROBLEM whether you eat 500 or 2000 pounds -yearly To do this medical science says you must have an adequate supply of natural stomach DIGESTIVE JUICES and RICH RED-BLOOD must be present SSS Tonic may help you get both if this is your trouble withbut organic complication or focal infection as thesaftwo important results enable you to make use of the food as mature intended Thus you get fresh vitality pep do your work better become animated more attractive SSS Tonic has helped millions you can start today at drug stores in 10 and 20 oz sizes Co BUILD STURDY HEALTH and keep StaIWART StEADY StRONG SSSTO 1C As the war developed industry changed and expanded to meet new requirements and situations The Nazi air ioee went on the defensive and anti-aircraft was cut dotvn tovbe supplemented by more heavy bombers Invasion moves called for increased landing craft and production! of training equipment dropped off neW $20000000000 industrial empire of 1500 war plants built in the record speed of less than three years to fight a1 global war was the world's of The early trickle of arms output became a veritable flood to overwhelm the enemy Once again it had been demonstrated in industrial might at least American workers are the real Guns line up it for victory plane production soars Despite wartime strikes by March 1943 America was producing five times as many war materials as in the month before attack At end over 10000 planes were being tuirned but each month despite sinkings the Navy had 13 times tve -vcseJs -of 1941 merchant ship production was five times its pat -war figure By December 1943 the manpower shortage had become a busted bottleneck as WPB persuaded the Army and Navy to cancel new contracts in labor-short areas businessmen learned to cut corners and management learned to economize on labor instead of hoarding it Unemployment wa down to a tiny 700000 MERCHANT SHIP BUILDING BREAKS ALL RECORDS After manufacturing capacity was completed the bulk of the resources shifted from building plants to manufacturing fighting equipment About half of tUe production facilities engaged in turning out finished products primarily ordnance ships and aircraft another 40 per cent made raw materials such as high-octane gasoline synthetic rubber or steel The staggering production goals set after Pearl Harbor whiciv were derided by Hitler were readied and reset higher each 'yearv Production snarls were untangled assembly lines clicked and new methods were constantly devised Jto cut down on time and to am power required.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.