The Charlotte News from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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niemstolomm ilftiiiMMINIMINIMEMIM a A- TWELVE THE CHAIZIOTTE (N NEWS--The Lirgesi -Afternoon 7'elesPaPer In The Two --FRIDkY MARCH 17 1939 PHONE Your 4151 WANT ADS WASH TUBBS Hello FAerbody By Crane ME AO VOI unix eay vs THE iAAPPiE51 PEOPLE ALAVE! 3 )y 1E5I 1 1 SCNiZbe 1 TN kri THE TZZPIC5 11 PVT NSOWizbe 1Nkr YOL I PAPA14 I THE TZZTIC5 I SEW SO Ni ME r-- ft TI-Ikri pAlapart'you THE IvZ ZT IC 5 i Slm SO LNNkE TO kNE 1-14 IS AV-- MV FNTIAE12 11 1-14 AW-MV FAMAE12 YOU AllA A LITTLE 80V WO 1-046EQ 50414Y you've A-GROWED IWTO A MAIJ BUT T4At4i( HEAVENS tuiff 51411F--- WE'RE T06E1'14E61 AGNIM NEVER TO PART! zoll TOGETI4E11 ASA14114 i4EVER TO pARit Senate Group Approves Bill On Elections 04 TViE kitGIAIS a10 wt T4' TOidt -TOMS Ii4OttEt114 A TIt4 OF MY LITTLE L'10ki PACK JOEHs AND FkTOEZS PE kRT rrril 1t c14 114t kMaKi AOLI wt T4' TOiA -TOMS T4RCEB114 A- OF VW LITTLE L'10V PACK OH -n4E SORROW AND 1-04iLitAss oF A POOR- FATOEZS PEkrzr 1 jio irmi I4 I i s': 1 1 A''' 1s: i DtrFEENT 1 I I 1 0 I 1 fe i il )4 ts 1 1 1 L4D I 1 it 1 lt DIA 1 4n-1))'l It i -i '''1 Iltill A 1' cil: 't -1--- 4 1---- i' 1 4 1 i II OPR 1930 eV EA- gik viCE INC -T7-MT 11TTTII PAT 1-5TF iivi -(' --y--- i In 6 ilith looters 4 4i I s' tne 1 2-4' 0111r- -0 taa caddy -44-0ava i 105 EAS7 TRADE St TELEPHONfi 7301 7 lip 1 74! i Itg 11 1 ik I'S )t 9) II l'itil Ali Et Ak '7 1111 A OPR 193 ev NEA viCE INC 9 PAT OFF A llotiseApprovefl Act Favorably Reported Continued From rare One rAvigation and flood control facilities NEW AILLS Arnong important new bills introduced were: To make the base period for bPnefita under the Unemployment Compensation Act start Feb 15 1939 instead of Jan 1 which speedily passed both Houset to become I "LOOK AT WHAT I'VE SAVED!" "LOOK AT WHAT I'VE Hitler Rides Triumphantly Into Vienna A iter Czech Tour rly Tim Miss Gilmore Is Elected Miss Gihnore IQ Fig-tototi Nazi Seizure CAnnieninedlh United States Fire Cinches Sales Tait Insurance Salesman Aided By Accident Fire Cinches Sales Tait To clarify unemploNment cornpensation stattitts so as to makel testimony at hearings clarify transfer of funds to comply with railroad retirement laws and change the Commission's as to priority of taNes To regulate Find tax installment investment contracts To pay an nnset sum to Harri Continued From Page One ferred to a I)eca1 train for the final phace of the trip to Brun The Germanic 30 per cent of Brunns population plus Nazi-sympathizers among the Czech turned CallCzechOectipation Wanton I i lessnes4 Young boys and girls take pride in watching money grow in a Savings Account Start your children off with a Savings Accoun and watch how interested they will become Ir seeing their acurints grow and groy and grow on StarmNs of Union County who 1 1 the main square into a sea of served 53 days in prison for a 1 COnftmied From poce une crime three others con! esNi vorated by this Government his' Hitler reviewed German troops To provide that a special I beell demonmtrated by the I lined up on the square and was shall consider claims made by I developmenis which have taken received at City Hall by the Gercounties against the ligh i during the last three days' 1 man Mayor and members of the Commission and repert to the CI 'S German Administration Governor in December 1940 Si I We questions 11h said that 14 'rhea V11111 ror'e II" t-luonl on frt' The Fuehrer's movements from ROCK HILL Neely Rock Hill insurance salesman is sure that action speaks louder than words Neely In attempting to sell a resident a fire insurance policy today warned that fires could break out at any moment About that time smoke was seen curling from the roof of the house next door Neely rushed to turn in an alarm returned to resume his sales talk a short time later "See that" he said "its just like I said" He sold the policy The secret el accumulating money is merPly learning this one fact--that ma 11 hmounts saved reguhrly out of income grow into istrge sums of ready money Named President Of WCUNC Student Body GREENSBOR0-1Th-- The student body at the Woman's College of the University of North Carolina elected Miss Ruth Gilmore of East Walpole Mass its president yesterday Miss Celia Durham of Chapel was named vice-president Miss Eleanor Echols of Greensboro secretary Miss Annie Hines also of Greensboro treasurer Miss Valerue Powell of Tamaqua Pa was chosen president of the incoming senior class and Misl Frances Daniel of Henderson president of the incoming senior class Miss Grace Evelyn Loving of Drakes Branch Va will edit the Carolinian campus weekly this year Miss Elizabeth Pettigrew of Florence the Coraddi literary quarterly and Miss Lois Guyer of Haddon Heights the Pine Needles college yearbook Open a Savings Account at Once thRt the 1941 Lrgislatiire may take action on the findings To provide a three-member Commission appointed by the Governor to investigate fire insurance rates and report recommendations to the 1941 Legislature To give four-year terms to judges and prosecutors of all County Recorder's Courts To provide a regulatory and licensing board for naturopathy The House passed and returned to the Senate for concurrence in minor amendments a bill to define newspapers in which legal advertisem*nts may be inserted town to town were shielded in secrecy and by corps of Blackshirt Elite Guards Armored cars convoyed him when he used his big touring on The Nazis did not want to risk any Slavic displeasure in the path of the Protector of the Slays Hitler slipped out of Prague last night from Bohemia into Moravia motoring Over roads covered by his Army of Occupation Four years and a day after the one-time army corporal informed the world he would cut the bonds of the Versailles Treaty he was on a tour of bloodless the second since be rode liko Austria last March COITIERCIAL NATIONAL BANK LI BANK Pistol Stolen From ost Office SHELBY--(R)--A 45-ca11ber revolver and a small amount of money were the loot of a bold robber who broke into the postoffice and the Federal Court annex here last night Postal inspectors finger print operatives and ot her Government agents were seeking clues today And so it has come to at least Mr Maxwell has done his stuff as per program POSTPONE ACTION First concrete result of the Maxwell letter was postponement until Tuesday of Senate consideration of the Appropriations bill In his communication the Commissioner said he would be in better position to give full details and figures on expected tax increases by next week HUNGARIANS IN CHUST Hungarian troops occupied the 1Carpatho-Ukraine capital Chust yesterday and pushed on to complete the common frontier long sought by Poland and Hungary Ahead of the troops streaming over snow-drifted roads and through mountain passes went lines of withdrawing Czech troops and refugees Thousands reaching Polish havens some of the fugitives sought to sell pet dogs for a few pennies with which to buy food Although Hungarian Premier County Paul Teleky yesterday proclaimed to the Budapest Parliament that Carpatho-Ukraine was being annexed the exact situation was somewhat vague Hungary while carrying out the occupation with at least the tacit acquiescence of Hitler shared the anxieties of the rest of eastern Europe over Hitler's intentions Poland apprehensively watched the sweep of Hitler's empire along her southern border What would have been news to cheer under other that Hungarian troops had reached the Polish no Jubilation to many Warsaw quarters There was a celebration but it turned from a pro-Hungarian manifestation into an anti-German anti-Semitic demonstration One thousand persons were turned back in an attempt to march on the German embassy and then vented their fury on Jewish shops MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM 011011 tsviApet CO10211101 EMI' LI HID IN 1874 11 I SYSTEM COIVOIA1101 874 Fewer than 1 per cent of the children in London elementary schools are poorly fed to United States diploniaic 'relations Alth the old Government Rre now under considera (ion Secretary of the Treasury Morgenthau he said would have an announcement to make probably tomorrow with regard to the traue agreement with Czechoslovakia Answering a question Welles declared he had nothing as yet to say on the question of Czechoslovakia's debts to the United States 'Welles' strong statement was issued he said despite the fact that this Government has received no communication from fitly foreign government regarding what has taken place in Central Europe ASK ITALIAN VIEW The Acting Secretary said lintted States Ambassador Phillips at Rome had inquired of Court the Italian Foreign Minister as to Italy's attitude toward remit developments but that Phillips had not advised the department as to the reply The President at his press conference told one newsman that he believed revision of the ity law could be woiked out in conferences instead of his recommendations for changes being put in the form of a message to Capitol Hill Asked if his recommendations would go beyond the act's provision requiring that belligerents pay cash and carry in their own ships materials purchased in this country the Chief Executive suggested that his message of Jan 4 be lead mi Is at as in had to con- that trai- in Put Ions skin 7FISII ma- itry that "Little TVA" Proposal Killed By Committee RALEIGH House Public Utilities Committee reported unfavorably today the McBryde Bill to create a 'Little TVA" for the upper Cape Fear Valley Only McBryde of Cumberland voted against the rejection The committee had refused six to four to postpone action after a hearing at which opposition was expressed by Andrew Monroe representing the Carolina Power Light Co Major George Gillette of the 'United States Army Engineers stationed at Wilmington testified that the proposed developments of the Cape Fear might be economically feasible if benefits from flood control navigation and hydro-electric power all were combined but that no one of three would justify the ATEST many a hrifty couple are reading about our sale You will hear all your friends talking about he amazing values too Join he crowds and dress up your home for Spring EMI) Tit110 3 4 71-1 7 calixItiELL BROS 4 vtolD 0 124 4 FI RST EMID MO LATEST cD Illy verlvalJt R144)5 many a thrifty couple are reading about our sale You Nvill hear all your friends talking about the amazing vahies too Join the crowds l'itle and dress up your home for Spring ettitv Open An ccomit Another inquiry was whether the United States would recognize General Franco's Government in Spain The President replied that the Loyalist Government still had ar ambassador in Washington He also noted that the United States had a diplomatic representftive to what remained of the Loyalist Government which he said still controlled many miles of territory nize hat had ited en- i he of lii011 NNT orker I nt 1 tyet earilur SPARTANBURG C--ciP)--A hearing on a writ of habeas corpus in behalf of Danenberg detailed at Union according to dispa tches from that city for investigation in connection with alleged efforts to 6reate a disturbance at the Nocturne Hosiery Plant there will be held before Circuit Judge Thomas Sense here tomorrow at 11 o'clock Da nenberg is an organizer for the CICrs hosiery union it was reported A strike was called about four eeks Et go at the Nocturne plant starting in the legger department The plant normally employing over 100 workers was reopened last week program Major Gillette said the engineers estimated that it would cost about 120000000 to develop a complete power navigation and flood control system in the upper stretches of the river but that a $2000000 development At Fayetteville might be feasible as A first step He suggested that the program should be undertaken by degrees if attempted so that demand for electricity would keep step with available production Under questioning by McB7de Major Gillette said it was believed that water navigation could be made available within twenty miles of Greensboro by proper development of the upper Cape Fear The Cape Fear the Major said is apparently the only river in the Eastern part of the state on which hydro-electric development is feasible though the Roanoke might be LIVING ROOM sy1TES $3950 UP 1 4 1 :1 I Y-zN'Y 31(- 1 Wet s1 I '6imotbroollonoreamoompo I 4 41 A iNo0c UP pt-- 1 I C011iPleir Room on Our Floors An Grouping for in the House 4874 1- I Of 011111MMIOMMENNO (142 I 6 a ii (iv 1 4 4 1 i i (Tiall t)i LaazadolorAt-- 1 et REAT 1 Herr Now i erg 1 ir 1 pv 4 11 1 A 1 1 1 i 1 il AI I' Ilattl 1 47rb' 1tqr Z7T i I i LT i I 11 i PJ4 it tit 1i 'P 4 i 1 t- 4 i i i i 1 1 I ir I 1 1 COltiflietr Room ir i flu Our loors Art Grouping for Er-I am in the House I I I li'- 1 a me 4874 1 A I vs I -4 pEA I I' Here I 4 4 vt4iesf i -4 A41 4 'f v-4-4 4 il if I I i 1 4 I A 1r I I i 1 ir I i COliMietr Room if on Our Floors An Grouping for Er- i in the House i 1 i 4874 AutAammommaANA a VT Ali 1 I -z-tk --4 Itk 4 '777' 4 i 4 i 4 i 1 It- $k'ti A I 4Mel1414ir33II' it 3--34c3 C- 3 qi 1 -'''W 111' I4 3 1 4 A I 1 3 3 414 LI1111 4 11 "'I 1 'Z' 't 4'''i --0 MEETING POSTPONED A meeting of the officers and directors of the Executives Club which was scheduled to be held today has been postponed until next Monday President George Ivey said ind uu cid itil The Season's Hits Will Be Found at I 3434 1 i -7' 9 i I i 1- i 1 1 1tkiiti''''''''i l': i 'Isf4" 4--- 4 i --''Ii 1 11 I '1 l' It' Ci I ft 4kaginit i 44111 i 1 14'4 1114 :10 1 04 4 4 i60 1 i it 4101 -IAN 4 I "i 111tI 45g5 7 1 1) 1 -'44 3 4 1' A I-3 1 0' 1- 13'' 4 1 413' 4 I34-34 1 'i 134-A 4 I 44' '4- A i 11 If BELK'S CSOTLRLEEEGTE STORE Man's Body Is Found In Auto LUMBERTON (1P) A young white man identified 38 Guy Carve Rutherfordton bricklayer was found dead early today in an au tomobile on a woodland road neat Pembroke Coroner Biggs said a pre' Jiminary examination disclosed IN evidence of foul play He em panelled a jury but said no inquesl nor autopsy would be ordered until ielatives of the dead man come here Carver had been employed in PWA construction of a gymnasium for the Cherokee Indian Normal School at Pembroke Bruce Can- then a clerk on the project said Carver was about 26 married and the father of a son Just Arrived! New Shipment Of Beautiful Spring The Fuehrer WEIS looking over Germany's new elbow room the "Lebensraum" or living space which he told the Reichstag Jan 30 Germany's millions had to have unless they could increase exports and imports in great measure This elbow room putting Nazi Germany Germany almost within arm's reach of the Soviet Union's "breadbas- ket" the Ukraine became part of greater Germany yesterday Hitler proclaimed incorporation Of Bohemia and Moravia and Slo- vakia after fleeting "independence" threw herself on under the Nazi protectorate Today in the new role of pro- tector over the principal parts of the former Czechoslovak Republic Hitler ruled almost 10000000 Slays Ls Czechs and Slovaks-- living in Bohemia and Moravia 19030 square miles and Slovakia 14600 square miles With these people under the swastika the inhabitants of Hit-the ler's Reich or realm numbered nearly 90000000 Before annexain of Austria and last October the absorption of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland Germany was a nation of 66000000 All that was left of Czecho- slovakia after the Munich partition of SNitember now is Wier's save Ca rpatho Ukraine area 4206 square miles population: which yesterday was declared part of the Kingdom of Hungary Hitler left Prague without reviewing the troops or staging one of his customary triumphant rides through the ancient capital of Bo- hemian Kings and in the past twenty years of Czechoslovak PresM 'dents After Hitler and his immediate staff had gone the 9 curfew I declared when German troops moved in Wednesday was put back to midnight Nazi commentators in Berlin said Hitler made his newest strides eastward with the primary economic aim of insuring Germany's survival They referred to the Fuehrer's Reichstag speech Jan 30 On the sixth anniversary of his rise to 1 power Hitler outlined the need of Germany's then 80000000 population for more living space He said German economy had de- 1 veloped to a point where only I two solutions remained if the Reich were to live These he said were either ad- ci ditional imports and increased ex- ports or "extension of our nation's living space so that in our do- mestic economy he problem of Germany's food supplies can be solved" He had Germany's war-lost colonies in mind but at the same I time said he did not foresee their return in the immediate future When Premier Tiso of Slovakia ti "begged" Hitler yesterday to take over that part of the fractured 1 republic he rule of the swastika was shoved to the edge of a he mountainous blizzard-swept eastern tip of Czechoslovakia Car- 01 pa ho-Ukra me et Getman troops remained in Slovakia where they had taken up posts during the brief spell of se Slovak independence Government Is spokesmen in Berlin were unable to clarify the precise relationship al Slovakia would have with the rest re of the Reich They thought however that its th ties to the Berlin Government on would be looser" than those of op Moravia and Bohemia SOME SKEPTICAL po Of course there are skeptical it souls such as Senator A Corey I who looked with jaundiced eyes on the Maxwell re-estimates The Pitt County lawmaker even went I so far as to profess open un- pri ad ultrated disbelief that any such tin great and startling light had just broken through the clouded heav- the ens Then too there a re others such sill as Senator Lnii Ballentine who str can very truthfully say "1 told you so" The Wake Senator for exa mple Ila' been consoling many vea of his serious-minded colleagues he for some tune with advice some- nine uke "Don't take things so seriously When the proper time comes Mr Maxwell and Mr Deyton will suddenly di-cover that they've been all wrong in their estimates and will come up with the glad tiding that there's going to be plenty to meet all appropriations" a of do the one it Price and the near It years he a Pt r- of 1 13 do 4 ril it le 'I' it ress the i one )r pose it Price 1 and t' the 1 1 I It years i the near Fi Modern Beauty-2 Fine Pieces Custom tailored to our specifications to Insure lasting comfort and quality these 0 beautiful suites rerresent a style that will be irt vogue for many a season to COM Choice of colorful upholstery fabrics Moder' Ralfi auu qua lit these 0 reauta- a ul suites rerresent st yle hat will be irt vogue for many a season to come Choice of colorful upholstery fabrics at 0 ttflt Yr I00 Down 5() Week 1 9 Down 1 Week i IN 50 ut nee( DRESSES $195 and $295 Open An Account Today Adva ntage of Maxwell Bros Com enient Payment Plan Toda! Of enient Included are sill crepes in pastels prints and navy tt tract i ve 'iffiest An except lona value 11 Et Ladiec: New Sprin BEDROOM SUITES $3950 UP 7 rmx rrzatT277'77f I-771 1 al I 1 i 1-? 04144m f4'4 0 "-'i: -------9-p-fi 40 er 4 4(2 4 14 ii 1 4 --e I 4 ef kt11101 'A'' ii :1 0 '4 :4 2 or 0 1 1 i'k-i i i lib 4 "4 i 1 7 4 Or A' 4 i 7 -r11 :10 0''' i 's ex' i i 4 4 1 tc 41-- i i 4 I -4 4 i 4 1 411 0 i -os'''V i 0 SLIPPERS 1 Says Smith Cotton Plan Would Cost Too Much WASHINGTOINL-14'I President Roosevelt said today the Administration was trying to SOIVP the: cotton surplus it uat ion without bankrupting the Treasury Asked at a press conference about meeting he was having today with Secretary Wallace and a group regional directors of the Agricultural Adjustment Administration the President replied that it had to with what he called the very serious situation presented by the large cotton carry-over He said the study was getting along fairly well and definite progress was being made Various proposals have been made! Chief Executive added and reason why the Treasury had opposed a bill by Senator Smith' Democrat South Carolina to dispose of cotton surpluses was that would cost too much money Ilirri111K lir Vk Illi iliK IlititiI with Secretary Wallace and a group regional directors of the Agri cultural Adjustment Administration the President replied that it had to ith hat he called the very 1 serious situation presented by the large cotton carry-over He said the study was getting along fairly well and definite prog- was being made 1 Various proposals have been made! Chief Executive added and reason why the Treasury had opposed a bill by Senator Smith Democrat South Carolina to dis- of cotton surpluses was that would cost too much money St-tql In tan white blue antI black no tent hers A til widths 98 and $295 Chddren's Dre Moccain SHOES '198 SHOES 198 This Is floe of the seasnt most popular styles In white hrown and I ite or brown come in la bite or patent leather A In wivithc Attractive xi lei Price To Speak RUTHERFORDTON of Rutherfordton local editor chairman of the Rutherford County Dry Forces will speak at Green Creek Baptist Church: the Rut herford-Polk line Sunday at 11 A on "Evils of Strong Drink" takes the planet Neptune 16S to travel its orbit around 1 sun Always demand St Joseph Aspirin It's OeM8119genuine pure EsiseF cold discomfort and headaches 12 tablets 10e $1 00 Down 1 50 Week tZela4i4bioszomtliti 0 A 4i 44 r77- 'at I g- -41ll'''' A Latest Waterfall Tops-4 Pcs Think what a charming aadition to your bedroom thk Quit IN ill Tnalo' You will point to the waterfall I OITS 0 the modern sty lii-m Nith (liMint pride The rich walnut vowel to will be admired 1)y all XWE 217 SOUTH TRYON ST FURNITURE 0 See the Outfits En Ore Erery Room Phone sg4' 0i'l 11p iii 111PA-- itterAr' I Ne l' F4qii 0 1 lz 1 solictiA (4 414A k0- li I I tt 1111 i i griTirTilr- wax dia it I4 -j 4tit 1 4 I l'' 1 4 I 1 i ji! 4 i 1 cb c- 4 I ri i 1 '1 i'1 ::1: '4- 1 ti 4i)116 i 'A i '4 'T i 4 4k1h 11451414k0 I Price To Speak 4 Pcs RUTHERFORDTON Latest Waterfall Tops of Rutherfordton local editor County Dry Forces' will speak at chairman of the Rutherford 1 00 nnwn 1(1dit ion to WPW111110 ''11! i l'I' Think Quite mill 0 Green Creek Baptist Church 0 Sunday at 11 A on "Evils oil 5 il I Week see the Outfits takes the planet Neptune 165 Entire to travel its orbit arolind admire cry Room sun I Always demand St I Joseph Aspirin It's 1 ''t the vciaile111111 the Rutherford-Polk line 11t1 I itioi Strong Drink imi 0 Opm8nd genuine pure EsiseF i Ei cold discomfort and A -Tlxilliee nri rich "IE: :00 iiL' 1 11 1)i 01 0 headaches 12 tablets 10e 'SI" 217 SOUTH TRYON ST FURNITURE Phone LADIES' HATS (d 1 Value To 3 291 Nru and 1 tolarA 111 A doir nut titi Eakter in one iir '1-- theP ItractitP bonneis 741 4 oil BELK'S CSOTLLEEEGT TORE 125127 Sm-Ih Col leo St 2-1121 IMEMIMIMMIIIM immmonmmliminnalilitiontag IIMP)11rjPIENWIE iPb MININEEIMMIlle I) I.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.