Master Budget Definition, Preparation & Example - Lesson | (2024)

To explore how to prepare a master budget, first, a look must be taken at the master budget components. The three major components that will be explained in more detail are the operating budgets, capital expenditures budgets, and financial budgets. To form these budgets and the master budget, there needs to be an analysis of what the company income could look like for the coming year as this will dictate where that revenue is allocated in the rest of the budgets.

Operating Budgets

The operating budget is a very important part of the master budget. This contains the budgets for what will be coming into the company from an income perspective, and how it will be used to support the business's operation. There are a few important budgets in this category to note:

  • Sales Budget: This is the first budget that will be developed before all other budgets. It is based on the forecasting of how the company feels sales will go for the period of budgeting and will influence all other budgets because it will determine how much money will be made in that period.
  • Selling Expense Budget: As suggested by the name, this budget estimates the cost of doing business. Money must be spent to be made and this will show where there are fixed costs to that as well as variable costs. In a manufacturing setting, this would also be paired with a production budget, which details the cost of producing the product being sold.
  • General and Administrative Budget: All other expenses needed to keep a business running fall under this budget. Payroll, equipment depreciation, taxes, ongoing maintenance, and other expenses will be factored into this budget.

Capital Expenditures Budgets

A capital expenditure involves the money used to buy or upgrade fixed assets such as property and equipment. The best way to think of capital expenditures compared to operating expenses is if the money being spent will benefit the company for longer than a year. A capital expenditure budget will have information regarding the purchase or sale of any large assets. Companies plan their capital expenditures out well in advance due to the sheer amount of money and or time that projects in this category tend to involve.

Financial Budgets

Financial budgets involve the cash, financing, and balance sheet side of running a company. Three budgets typically make up this section of the master budget.

  • Cash Budget - A cash budget tracks the cash flows of a business. Items it will track include cash receipts, cash disbursem*nt, and financing. Cash receipts will track the incoming cash from revenue generation as well as any interest or dividends from investments and other assets. Cash disbursem*nt will cover all cash being paid out to various items in the budget. Financing tracks any borrowed cash and the repayment of those loans.
  • Budgeted Income Statement - This is a projection that is a result of all of the operating budgets' numbers. It allows a company to project how the company will perform over the budget period.
  • Budgeted Balance Sheet - This also uses data from the operating budgets to create the future financial picture for the company. This also takes data from the previous year's balance sheet as well as the current budget data to form the information.
Master Budget Definition, Preparation & Example - Lesson | (2024)


What is master budget with example? ›

A master budget is the central financial planning document that includes how a company will spend and how much it expects to earn in a fiscal year. A master budget contains budgets of departments within the organization and projections that allow for management to plan for the upcoming year.

What is budget preparation explanation? ›

Budget preparation is a process with designated organizations and individuals having defined responsibilities that must be carried out within a given timetable (see Figure 1 in Section 1 for a typical time line). This process is normally established and controlled by a legal and regulatory framework.

Which budget must be prepared first in preparing the master budget? ›

The projected balance sheet, or financial budget, depends on many items in the projected income statement. Thus, the logical starting point in preparing a master budget is the projected income statement, or planned operating budget.

What comes first in a master budget? ›

We begin with the Direct Material Budget, which comprises the raw materials to be used in manufacturing the final product. Then, we have the Direct Labor Budget, or the payroll cost of personnel directly involved in the production process. And the third component is the Manufacturing Overheads Budget.

What is the most important budget in the master budget? ›

Answer: The sales budgetAn estimate of units of product the organization expects to sell times the expected sales price per unit. is an estimate of units of product the organization expects to sell times the expected sales price per unit. This is perhaps the most important budget as it drives most of the other budgets.

What are the three main parts of the master budget? ›

The three main parts of the master budget are the operating budget, capital expenditure budget, and financial budget.

What is the starting point for a master budget? ›

The usual starting point for a master budget is: B) the sales forecast or sales budget. For the preparation of a master budget for a period, the starting point is to forecast sales for that period.

What is the normal sequence of the master budget? ›

The correct answer is c. Sales Budget, Budgeted Income Statement, Budgeted Balance Sheet. The master budget is prepared by starting with the sales budget. The end of the master budget process is the creation of the budgeted income statement and the budgeted balance sheet.

What are the 5 steps of budget preparation? ›

How to create a budget
  1. Calculate your net income.
  2. List monthly expenses.
  3. Label fixed and variable expenses.
  4. Determine average monthly costs for each expense.
  5. Make adjustments.

What is the first step in budget preparation? ›

Six steps to budgeting
  1. Assess your financial resources. The first step is to calculate how much money you have coming in each month. ...
  2. Determine your expenses. Next you need to determine how you spend your money by reviewing your financial records. ...
  3. Set goals. ...
  4. Create a plan. ...
  5. Pay yourself first. ...
  6. Track your progress.

What is the purpose of a master budget? ›

A master budget will show all the details of the company's income-generating actions via the operating budget, with an overview of revenue and expenses. It will also show cash inflows and outflows from the cash flow statement, and estimations of what will appear on the balance sheet at the end of the accounting period.

What does the master budget process usually begin with? ›

Answer and Explanation:

The master budget for any firm usually starts with the sales budget which is based on the expected sales in terms of units and revenue.

What is the master budget schedule? ›

A master budget is a series of budget schedules outlining the organization's plans for the upcoming period, typically prepared monthly, quarterly, or annually. The master budget includes budgets for sales, production, operating expenses, and capital expenditures.

Who uses a master budget? ›

Most organizations will create a master budget – whether that organization is large or small, public or private, or a merchandising, manufacturing, or service company.

What is a monthly master budget? ›

A master budget is a comprehensive financial plan that's created by combining all individual department and business unit budgets into a single, unified document.

What are the four components of a master budget? ›

The major components of a master budget include income and expenses, overhead and production costs, and the monthly, annual, average and projection totals.

What does the master budget usually begin with? ›

Answer and Explanation:

The master budget for any firm usually starts with the sales budget which is based on the expected sales in terms of units and revenue.

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