[14.9] Rakan - The Ultimate Guide to The Charmer. (2024)

Why warding is important

1. Having control over the map ensures your teammates safety.
2. It gives them freedom to move around without getting surprised in a bush that fed Annie was hiding in.
3. It gives you and your teammates the ability to know when it's safe to push that lane in without worrying about getting ganked.
4. You have more control over objectives like Drake, Rift Herald, and Baron.
5. You can punish an enemy for over extending without being surprised by their team who may have been nearby.
6. Knowing where the enemy is means you can do objectives on the other side of the map safely without them contesting.

Types of Wards

    Stealth Ward: Consume a charge to place an invisible Stealth Ward which reveals the surrounding area for 90-120 seconds depending on the average level of all champions.

    Store one charge every 240-120 seconds depending on the average level of all champions, up to 2 maximum charges.

    A player may only have 3 Stealth Wards on the map at one time. At level 9 this can be upgraded into Farsight Alteration.


      Control Ward: Places ward that reveals the surrounding area. This device will disable and reveal nearby wards and Camouflaged units will also be revealed.

      Limited to one Control Ward on the map per player.

      Can only carry 2 Control Wards in inventory.


        Farsight Alteration: Places a visible ward with 1 Health from 4000 units away and reveals the surrounding area for 2 seconds (148 - 99 second cooldown depending on the average level of all champions). Wards placed by the Farsight Alteration trinket last until killed and do not count towards your Stealth Ward limit.

        The Farsight Alteration trinket cannot be purchased before level 9.


          Oracle Lens: Sweeps a 750 unit area around your champion for 10 seconds, warning against hostile units, revealing invisible traps and revealing and disabling invisible wards. (90 - 60 second cooldown based on the average level of all champions).

          Visual Map & Legend Key for Warding Locations

          The below picture is a general guideline on my personal warding preferences. And yes, the picture is outdated and doesn't show alcoves because I couldn't find a picture of a map that has it yet. But the locations are still the same.

          [14.9] Rakan - The Ultimate Guide to The Charmer. (10)


          Dark Red Star = Prime Control Ward Locations.
          Red Star = Important Ward Zones, use Control Ward or Stealth Ward here, make sure you always have vision control while an objective is up!
          Yellow Star = Prime Stealth Ward Locations.

          Vision Score

          NOTE: This information is a combination of lol wiki & Riot Staff posts from lol forums. The source for both is found here and here.

          In short, Vision Score = (1 point per minute of ward lifetime provided) + (1 point per minute of ward lifetime denied).

          This number comes from three main sources

            Ward Lifetime Provided: Each minute of ward lifetime grants up to 1 point, depending on how effective the ward is.

              Ward Lifetime Denied: Scoring a ward takedown (earned gold from a ward's death) grants 1 point for every minute of lifetime remaining on the ward (permanent wards are assumed to have 1.5 minutes of lifetime remaining).

                Vision Mechanics: Various vision-providing mechanics have a baseline score on-use (usually 0.1 to 0.5), and can also give bonus scores if revealing unseen champions or epic monsters (usually 0.1 to 1.0). This includes Scryer's Bloom, trinket activation, ward placement, Rift Scuttler, and all champion's abilities that grant Sight and True Sight.

                Example: A Hawkshot that reveals a full Baron attempt will give much more than a Heightened Senses that reveals nothing (which will still give some score).

                Ward Lifetime Provided Modifiers

                An allied ward's point generation can be reduced under certain infractions. The reduction is applied to the score generated within the duration of the infraction, and stacks multiplicatively (e.g. -50% for 6s nets -0.05 points).


                  A ward that hasn't seen any interesting units (enemy champions, wards, and epic monsters) in a while will gradually go down in point value, starting at -0% at 60 seconds of staleness and worsening to -50% at 120 seconds of staleness.


                    While a ward is near other friendly sources of vision (allied wards, structures, and lane minions), its point value will be reduced, starting at -25% for 1 redundancy and worsening up to -75% for 3+ redundancies. Lane minions don't count as redundant if the ward is in brush.


                      A ward that's very close to your base can give less score, starting from -0% score around your buff camps and worsening to about -50% score at your base walls.


                        A ward that's very close to a friendly structure or inside your own base will have a -100% modifier to its point value.


                          If a ward is quickly killed by enemies, it will still give lifetime score as if it survived a minimum of 20 seconds (0.33 points).

                          Warding Tips and Tricks

                          1. You can place a ward while using recall.
                          2. You can ward over walls and obstacles. If you can place the ward more than halfway into a wall or obstacle, it will appear on the other side.
                          3. Don't always ward in a bush, most players will assume a bush is warded and use a Control Ward or Oracle Lens and kill your ward. Try placing wards in unsuspecting places that still give you vision over an area. Ex. Placing a Stealth Ward in the river, or a path that leads to objectives, but is not directly in or near a bush, still giving you vision of a targeted area with less risk of being destroyed.
                          4. Farsight Alteration is a powerful trinket that can be cast with great distance to give you vision in areas that may be too dangerous to walk into.
                          5. If you have multiple Control Wards in your inventory and the one you have placed is being killed, you can deny the enemy gold and vision score by placing another Control Ward before the first one dies.
                          6. Wards yield gold and experience if you kill them.

                          [14.9] Rakan - The Ultimate Guide to The Charmer. (2024)


                          What is the best rune for Rakan? ›

                          Based on our analysis of 63 068 matches in Patch patch the best runes for Rakan roleName are Guardian, Shield Bash, Second Wind, and Revitalize for primary tree, as well as Sudden Impact and Eyeball Collection for secondary tree. The most optimal rune shards are Attack Speed, Health Scaling, and Health.

                          What is the best supp item for Rakan? ›

                          Best mythics items for Rakan support are Rocketbelt, Shurelya's Battlesong, Shattered Crown and Everfrost. Rakan can be played well with any adc. He doesn't have to be played with Xayah to be strong. Rakan can use many runes: guardian, glacial, arey, electrocute and even predator or aftershock.

                          What is the best build for Rakan supp? ›

                          Based on our analysis of 141 946 matches in patch patch the best build for Rakan is Celestial Opposition, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Locket of the Iron Solari, Zeke's Convergence, and Knight's Vow.

                          What is the best arena build for Rakan? ›

                          The best Arena build for Rakan in Patch patch is Ionian Boots of Lucidity, Empyrean Promise, Locket of the Iron Solari, Moonstone Renewer, and Chemtech Putrifier with the most optimal augments being Holy Fire, First-Aid Kit, and All for You.

                          Why is Xayah Rakan so good? ›

                          Xayah synergises the most with Rakan and even has skills that interact with him. Rakan can protect Xayah with his shields and give her a bit of healing as well. On top of that, Rakan's W, Grand Entrance can knock up enemies for much-needed crowd control.

                          Does Rakan have ADHD? ›

                          Rakan is confirmed to have ADHD based on his in-game voice lines and short story. This was confirmed by Odin 'WAAARGHbobo' Shafer, who explained that they indirectly gave Rakan ADHD through piecing parts of their personality together, as well as events from their friends and family, to create him.

                          Does Rakan do magic damage? ›

                          The Quickness

                          Gains Move Speed, charming and dealing magic damage to enemies touched.

                          What damage type is Rakan? ›

                          Active: Rakan slings an enchanted feather in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy hit.

                          Who is the best Rakan player? ›

                          How are players ranked?
                          1.LeoNaut Phobia#EUW EUW (#1) GrandMaster73.8%
                          2.타마타하나#6372 KR (#2) Master71.4%
                          3.Vampire#LAN2 LAN (#3) Master71.0%
                          4.KazKamasa#LAN LAN (#4) Challenger73.9%
                          42 more rows

                          Is Rakan strong early? ›

                          Early Game

                          Rakan can struggle against ranged champions early on especially at level 1.

                          Who is Rakan dating? ›

                          Xayah fights alongside her partner and lover, Rakan, to protect their dwindling tribe, and restore their race to her vision of its former glory.

                          How to be good at Rakan? ›

                          1. Rakan's movement abilities forecast their destination. Try to use this to your advantage.
                          2. Champions with crowd control that can be applied quickly excel against. Rakan.
                          3. Catching. Rakan with no allies around severely inhibits his mobility. Try to find him alone.

                          Who is Rakan best against? ›

                          Rakan wins more against
                          Camille Support+7.5%
                          Tahm Kench Support+6.3%
                          Hwei Support+6.3%
                          Vel'Koz Support+5.2%
                          8 more rows

                          Is Rakan melee or ranged? ›

                          Changed from ranged to melee. Changing Rakan to a melee champion so that his attacks are more in line with player expectations.

                          What tribe is Rakan from? ›

                          As mercurial as he is charming, Rakan is an infamous vastayan troublemaker and the greatest battle-dancer in Lhotlan tribal history. To the humans of the Ionian highlands, his name had long been synonymous with wild festivals, uncontrollable parties, and anarchic music.

                          What is the best rune to use? ›

                          Elden Ring: Every Great Rune, Ranked
                          • 7 Rykard's Great Rune.
                          • 6 Mohg's Great Rune.
                          • 5 Morgott's Great Rune.
                          • 4 Malenia's Great Rune.
                          • 3 Great Rune Of The Unborn.
                          • 2 Radahn's Great Rune.
                          • 1 Godrick's Great Rune.
                          Feb 22, 2024

                          Who has good synergy with Rakan? ›

                          • Lucian. 54.44% -59. -70. -0.09. 0.3. 264. 1,532.
                          • Varus. 53.82% -123. -82. -0.1. 0.8. 122. 1,297.
                          • Jinx. 53.65% -239. -144. -0.15. 0.3. -531. 3,935.
                          • Sivir. 53.42% -168. -181. -0.15. -0.3. -102. 556.
                          • Nilah. 53.04% -102. 402. -0.12. 0.7. 626.
                          • Samira. 52.91% -151. -48. -0.19. 1.8. -155. ...
                          • Ashe. 52.74% -137. -80. -0.14. -89. 1,405.
                          • Maw. 52.45% -204. -119. -0.17. 0.9. -366.

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                          Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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                          Views: 5960

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                          Author information

                          Name: Nicola Considine CPA

                          Birthday: 1993-02-26

                          Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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                          Job: Government Technician

                          Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

                          Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.